Course Curriculum

    1. Lesson 1: Housekeeping

    1. Lesson 1: Define a Strategy and Create Your Lists (DEMO)

    2. Lesson 2: Create Your Campaigns (DEMO)

    3. Lesson 3: Track Your Results and Score Your Leads (DEMO)

    4. Module 2: Quiz

    1. Email Marketing Professional Certification Test

About This Course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content
  • Prerequisites must be completed before taking this course

Prerequisite Certification Courses

The prerequisite courses listed below must be completed and certification exams passed before you can take the Email Marketing Professional Certification course. If you've already completed these courses, click the REQUEST FREE ACCESS button above. Our team will verify your credentials, and you'll receive an email when the course is open for you to get started.

  • Free

    FreeEmail Marketing Technical Specialist Certification

    Start Now
  • Free

    FreeEmail Marketing Audience Specialist Certification

    Start Now
  • Free

    FreeEmail Marketing Content Specialist Certification

    Start Now
  • Free

    FreeEmail Marketing Data and Lead Scoring Specialist Certification

    Start Now

Here's How to Request Access

Click the REQUEST FREE ACCESS button at the top of the page. An email window will open. Type a message requesting access to the course, and send it to [email protected]. We'll confirm that you've completed the prerequisite courses. If you have, we'll enroll you in the course, and you'll receive a welcome email with a link to access the course materials.


Susan Gunelius

Director of Email Marketing Strategy

- 30 years of marketing experience (7+ years in the cannabis industry) - 10+ years directing marketing programs in Corporate America (AT&T, HSBC, & more) - Owner of successful marketing communications agency with clients around the world, including household brands like Cox Communications, Intuit, Citigroup, and more - Author of 11 marketing books, including "Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing for Business" - MBA in Management & Strategy, B.S. in Marketing